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Should I Buy a New or Used Car?

New vs Used

Serving St. Petersburg, Tampa, and Largo

New Cars vs. Used Cars

Welcome to our Kia dealership! We understand how difficult it can be to buy a car. There are so many things to consider, including whether you should go with a used car or buy one that’s brand new. We’re here to help make your decision easier. There are benefits to purchasing a new car, as there are benefits to buying a used car. The ultimate decision comes down to a few things, including how much you want to spend and which car features are most important to you.

Benefits of Buying a New Car

Buying a new car ensures that there’s nothing wrong with it because it hasn’t been owned by anybody else in the past. You’ll be able to get the customizations you’ve always wanted, along with the best warranty possible. Plus, you can rest assured that your car is as safe as possible while enjoying low financing rates.

  • When you decide to purchase a new car, you can order it with the exact features and customizations that you want.
  • Since a new car hasn’t been owned by anybody yet, you can be sure that it hasn’t been in any accidents, that it doesn’t have a strange smell that lingers, that there’s no wear and tear, etc.
  • The best possible type of warranty you get is the kind that comes with a new car. You won’t have to pay extra to get a great warranty.
  • Newer cars will have the latest and greatest safety features. Automakers have to abide by current safety rules when making new cars.
  • It’s common for banks to offer lower rates on financing because new vehicles are worth a lot because they haven’t yet depreciated in value.

Benefits of Buying a Used Car

Used cars give buyers a lot of bang for their buck. With seemingly endless options when it comes to make, model and features, used cars also get lower insurance rates. Plus, since most of the depreciation has already occurred when the first owner had the car, you don’t have to worry about that while you have it. If you need further help deciding on the best car for you, we have a large selection of both new and used vehicles.

  • Used cars are less expensive than new cars. You may be able to afford an upgraded model of the used car you have your eye on.
  • The most depreciation occurs during the first year. If you buy a used car that’s more than one year old, you don’t have to worry about that steep decline in depreciation during those first few months.
  • Insurance rates are affected by a car’s age. The older the car, the lower insurance tends to be. You can also research insurance rates for specific cars before purchasing one.
  • While you won’t be able to fully customize a used car out of the box, you will be able to choose models, options and packages that have been discontinued.
  • You can find a used car that’s still relatively new, which means you can get the perks of a new car with the price tag of a used car.